Day 7, we visited a few froster homes, then we headed back to Beijing.
Day 8, we did some more tour of Beijing, it was fun watching how the group interacted with the Chinese tourist in Tian An Men Square, everyone wanted to take pictures with the pretty girls. And how the sellers all flocked to the group trying to sell Mao watches, post cards. As the sellers flocking to the group, I felt the Spirit telling me, Huan give them bible, I was like umm we are in Tian An Men Square the most secure/watched/listened place in China. As we walked around Tian An Men the Spirit’s prompt grow, and grow.
As we headed back to the bus, the sellers followed us, we parked about 1 block away from Tian An Men square in front of a grand government building. As we got to the bus, I jumped on the bus, and brought 3 chinese bibles I have, I handed them to the sellers, told them I have a free gift for them. Then I went back to bus to get more, I got about 10 more, then by the time I got to the bus exit, there was 10 people with their hands in the air fighting with each other’s hands, shouting “Give me some! I want one! I want give it to my friend!” It was the same picture I seen in Africa when humanitarian aids passing out food to the starving people. I quickly given all those out, then I went back to get more, there was even a bigger crowd gathered there all fighting and shouting for a copy of bible. I felt this is the perfect picture of China, just as Jesus said the harvest is ripen and workers are few.
Through out this trip I really begin to fell God is speaking to me about China specifically, I always know that I want to go international, go share God’s words with people who have never heard Salvation. This trip I really feel that God is speaking to me about China, there is a reason why He brought me to USA from China, and meet his Son Jesus is the USA. Why I have the story I have; Chinese connect with my life, they understand. As I shared gospel loved people and shared my story, I felt so good, I felt this is what I suppose to do, you know that felling when God is using you, it just fell so right, I felt this way this trip the whole way.
God was continue to teach me about obeying the greatest commandment, love God with all my heart mind and soul, and love His creation. I fell most of my time my love is conditional, I would only love them if they come to my program, come to my church, it is all about me. But that is not how Jesus loved, Jesus loved with out expecting anything in return, I almost sort of trying to manipulate people with my love, using my love to manipulate people into coming to know God, that is not who God works. My love almost always expected something in return, where Jesus’s love was not that way, Jesus want me to love people just for sake of loving, not expecting anything in return, and allow Him to move people’s heart.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Back to Beijing, don't want to come home.
10:55 AM
China Mission Visiting Orphanages 3
Day 6 to 7, we visited Orphanages in Urumqi, there we got meet some the communist officials running the orphanages, seeing how Buckner’s love has earned the trust of even the tough communist hard-liner. I got to hear the stories when Buckner first came to Urumqi, the official in the orphanage didn’t let them meet with Children at all, they were very suspicious, so Buckner and Tallowood people, just spend time pulling weeds. Little by little, trust was
Also through out this week, me and Liz got to talk to our tour guide Sunny, Sunny shared with us that her grandmother was a Christian, who often singed worship songs to her when she was a little girl, also her English teacher in the university was a christian, she often got to share with her about Jesus and Christianity. We got share with her what it means to be a christian, she asked for me to share with her my story, I got share with her my testimony and how to have a relationship with God. We felt God is just going after her all these years, she is so close. At end of our journey she shared with Jerome, I see so much love in you all, how can I have what you have? Please pray for her.
One thing God has been teaching me is that how wasteful I am at managing his resources, how much He was given us, yet I spend on such stupid stuff, $600 digital camera, where $450 can support an orphanage’s needs almost a year. God bless us so we can bless others primarily, sure God want us to enjoy His gift as well, but that is not main reason why God bless us.
10:40 AM
China Mission Visiting Orphanages 2
Day 5, we came to an orphanage in Shi He Zi, 2 hour away from Urumqi, this orphanage had more kids about 20 or so kids. We took them to a park to play, on the way there, I got hangout with a 12 year boy, we got to talking he told me about his family, that his father was an alcoholic , who beaten his mother and him, finally his mother had enough and left with his sister. One day in the winter, that was really cold, he woke up heard his father using axe cutting stuff outside, he came out not know his father is still drunken, he father used the axe hit the boy on his arm, luckily the thick layer of winter cloth saved his arm. He run home and closed the door, and called the police, while his father using axe beating on the door. Police came and arrested his father, he was homeless, a friend of his father send him to the orphanage. As when I was listening to his story, I told him about my story, he keep saying to me, “Your life is just like mine”. I looked at him, I saw a picture of myself 11 years ago.
I thought to myself, all of us were orphans in God’s eyes, we all have sinned and turned our hearts away from the Lord, how God so faithfully pursued after us, to bring us to his kingdom, as sons and daughters of the living God.
In the evening of day 5, we had dinner at a hot pot restaurant, Sunny our translator fund out one of the waiter in our suit was also a Christian, he has been following God for 6 years. In that 6 years, he meet a Christian from California, who was in Urumqi sharing gospel, two day before we meet him, that man just left and went back to California, and he was so sad that the man left. As our conversation progressed we asked him if he was interested in bibles, we had tons of Chinese bibles, he was really excited, we give him about 20 Chinese bibles, and he was so joyful, that he told us that God really used us to lift his spirit.
10:21 AM
China Mission Visiting Orphanages 1
Day 4, we visited an orphanage in Chang Ji a little town outside of Urumqi, that is literally middle of no where in middle of farm field, there we meet 9 children, 2 boys and 7 girls. I got to play soccer and Ping-Pong with the boys, and I looked at the 2 boy. One was 14, the other one was 12, I saw my self in them, as a little boy before I came to America. We spend most of our time our doors playing with the kids. We provided some material need, 2 water heaters, pillows for the kids, and a musical instrument for one of the kids who need an musical instrument inorder to continue her education as musical teacher.
9:50 AM
Sunday, July 23, 2006
China Mission 3rd Day - Church, fellowship with Chinese Christians
One of 17 Churches in Urumqi, totalling 15000 believers.
Paster Huang, 86 years old. Left everything behid, came to Urumqi in 1949. Started Church in Urumqi, in 1949 Urumqi had less than 100 christians.
Paster Huang, and his daughter 60 year old, when he arrived in Urumqi in 1949, his daughter was 3 year old. Picture is of Paster Huang's family in 1958. He says, when he left his home to come to Urumqi, he had full head of black hair, now its all gray.
Standing right next God's servent, who has given up everything in his life, who has truely denied him self, and carried cross followed after God for 60 or so years, endured prosecution for Christ sake. All that God has used him to do, 100 christians in Urumqi in 1949, with 50 years of presecution now there are 15000 Christians, 17 churches in Urumqi. I told him I admired his faith, Paster Huang, says "All these years, has God provided for me? Food to eat and cloth to wear? Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, all that I needed has given to me!"
This morning we visiting the chinese church in Urumuqi. The group has been coming to this church past 3 times in 6 years, during every visit they noticed that the fellowship has grown, but they have never got chance to visit with the christian there.
The service stared in 11:30 AM, we arrived a little late, the teacher that morning is a lady, you should see her passion, man she was just preaching it, about Romans 4:1-25. Talking about story of Abraham and how it apply to life. After the service, somehow we got to talk to the teacher that morning, we shared with her about what we are doing this trip. She was excited to find out we are Christians, and we are here to serve the Living God. We asked if we could visit with the senior pastor at the church, they were very excited, they took us to 7th floor meeting room, there we meet the two senior pastor, pastor Huang did most of the talking, he shared with us his story, how he came to Christ in 1941 when he was 21 year old. The very next year when he was 22, he attended the Northwestern Seminary in Shang Xi, who was run by Hudson Taylor’s grandson. In 1949, right before the communist took control of China, he got his calling to go to Urumqi, the remote western China to share God’s love! He said good bye to his father, he said “Dad sorry that I might not able to take care of you in the future, I might not have enrough to care for you.” He left all he had to his brother so his brother could help care for his father. Pastor Huang, took his wife and his 3 year old daughter to Urumqi in 1949, when he arrived in Urumuqi there was only 100 christian there, he join with other pastor who have arrived in Urumqi 4 years prior started Church there. Since 1949 they had endured prosecution, many of the leaders for Christ sake had endure beating harsh treament, labor camp, some entered labor camp full head of blank hair, some never returned, some when they left the camp, they left with full head of gray hair. Pastor Huang him self was force to be in labor camp for 6 years.
Today in Urumqi, there are 15000 christian, pastor Huang had planted 17 churches around the City, many of leaders have got to start churches around other part of China, and some became professors of Seminaries in China.
One thing to read those stories in the books, when you get start right next to the God’s faithful servant it is something else. After the meeting, I went to talk to Pastor Huang, I told him how much I admired his faith, a faith so strong to follow God no matter what it costed him. He told me “Look at me, has God not provided for me? Has not God always provided food for me and cloth for me. Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, all that I needed God has given to me.” All of the sudden those precious verse I had been holding on had a much stronger and deeper meaning.
6:20 PM
Saturday, July 22, 2006
China Mission 2nd Day - Great Wall Conqured, Arrived at Urumqi
Great Wall, last time when I was here I were 6 year old. It seemed alot longer and bigger.
The steps are steep..... This is the ultimate stair master program.
The last tower at end of this section of the Great Wall.
Idol worshipping, there are money dropped at foot of the idol for good luck and protection.
Starting this trip I had a idea of what mission trip should look like, but as the trip progressed, we were staying at plush hotels, have our own huge bus to just taking 18 people around. Been taken to tourist traps, and eating Americanized Chinese food, I felt disappointed, I felt what am I doing here, why I am taking my precious vacation time off for this, this suppose to be a mission trip, we are not mangling with the China, how can we relate to the Chinese if we are not will to go to the place they go, eat at the place they eat and stay at the place they stay.
I noticed as I keep thinking about those thoughts, my mood become very sour, God started to speak. I felt He was telling me, Huan it is not about you and your plans, I felt He was telling me I want you to serve and love your brothers and sisters in Christ, you are not God, it is not about if you did this and that then you can bring them to salvation, I felt He says, it is not about you at all, it is all about Me, I will bring them to salvation weather you are at plush hotel or at where Chinese stays, I am God I can do all things in all situations! I felt God telling me stop judging your brothers and sister with you, you are Chinese Huan, they are not, they are already so brave to just come here spend their time and resources to make room for me to use them, you can't judge them and expect them to be Chinese, they are not.
I felt God keep telling me, rejoice always, be a refreshment to your brother and sisters in Christ, left them up, not to bring them down, rejoice in My Power, and watch what I will do, and stop trying to be God in my world, it is not about you! But about me, love me and your brothers sisters and the people of this world, and watch What I will do!
After I heard that, I felt much better, I felt such a burden has been lifted, I had such a good time having fellowship with brother and sister the rest of the day, and trying to encouraging each other, remind them the gifts God has given them and how wonderfully God has made them to be!
In the evening 8PM, our flight left Beijing, we arrived Urumqi at 12:30 AM Sunday, got to hotel and into our rooms @ 1:30AM, now its 3AM, I think I need to sleep...
So good to know that God is in control, and He will be glorified on this earth, and it does not depend on me at ALL!
12:41 PM
Friday, July 21, 2006
China Mission 1st Day - Bible Secured
After 18 hour of flight, we finally arrived in Beijing, everyone sooooo soooooo tired, super jet lagged. Praise the Lord the contact in Beijing was able to help us to secure 80 Chinese Bibles, and 20 Chinese/English Bibles from this little church hidden in middle of a busy street, it is literally a tiny hole on the wall, if you don’t know where it is, you will never find it. We wasn’t able to buy 20 Chinese/English bible, it was very rare in Beijing, but after she found out where we were going and what we going to do with them, she let us brought all of her stock, all 20 of them. Praise the Lord!
On my taxi ride back to meet up with the group to have dinner, I just start talking to the Taxi driver, he shared with me the dissatisfaction of the communist government, how dis-illusioned he is with them. He told me when he was 20 year old, he was working in the state owned factory, he really believed in the government, how every morning he woke up he felt he was doing something to advance communism, he had a meaning and purpose, he worshipped the communist. Now he says, communist government has failed him, all the promises they promised never materialized, he realized the communist are human, they are all greedy, and corrupt, everyone of them; he lost his zeal in the communist, and that sense of purpose and meaning he once had, all he seeks after is just money and material things, but even that does not satisfy. I asked him, if he could go back to the old days, have meaning and purpose in life again, would he want it. He told me he really wanted, but he don’t believe that could happen. I told him how I have seek after things of this world and they never satisfied, and how when I was on the oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico, I started to read the bible and realized that, yes all man are evil, we have all fall short of glory of God, man’s nature is sin. And we all have a God shaped hole in our hearts, and it so big that nothing we have can fill that hole, only God can. By being close to God that is only when our life can have purpose and meaning. And then I arrived at the meal place, I give him a copy of Chinese bible we just, brought, he was so happy and excited that he helped me carry all of the bible out of car, and he thank me for the bible.
The whole time I was talking to this man, I felt spirit is telling me share who I am to him, I was almost scared, say to myself, no, he is just a stranger, I need to love him, and nothing more, but the spirit’s whisper grow louder and louder, I start to pray for this guy that God would bring opportunity and open his eyes, and opportunity just came up.
China really is a place so spiritually hungary, so thirsty, not like Americans who’s hearts are so calloused and hardened. Really this is a place that truely, the harvest is ripen and worker is few.
6:21 AM
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Fires Burn
Fires Burn - Delirious
All around the world the fires burn,
They burn for you, for what is true.
And your bride across the earth is pushing through,
And we’re glorious when we mirror you.
Oh this world’s on fire, for you are our great desire.
Jesus, born to take us home,
And home is where the heart is.
Jesus, come and take us soon.
Your home is where my heart is.
All around the world the fires burn,
To light the way for your return,
We know one day you’ll split the sky in two,
And we will fly to be with you.
1:12 PM