Sunday, October 24, 2004

Live Oak Fall Retreat...

On the way...
Anakin vs Obi Wan Round 1
Urs: Uhhh... they wrestle like girls...
Doug: Man this is so fun, I can't wait to jump in
Anakin: Stop doing push up Obi Wan
Obi Wan vs Anakin
Yoda's backside
Obi Wan like to do push ups
Yoda vs Obi Wan

Blanca: Urs, they are all crazzzy.
Cecilia: God please protect them....
Isabel: What are they thinking? oh wait they are not thinking at all.
Commie Scott
Scott: Communism......
Marshall vs DB round 1
Military trainning been put to use
Marshall vs DB round 3
Scott scream like girl...
Madison: Oh what is that, is that Ghost of Ricksta coming?
Ghost of Becky
Ghost of Urs.
Ghost of Han
Yoda can be ghost too?
Yellow ball aways follow John in yellow shirt

Heidi vs. John
DB vs Allison
Marshall and Madison vs John
Winning Shot

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